Painted Canopy Glareshield

In preparation for installing the canopy bubble to the canopy frame permanently, I needed to pain the glareshield a flat black so that there won’t be any glare on the inside of the canopy.  I scuffed the surface with scotchbrite and cleaned it thoroughly since this will be nearly impossible to repaint later.  I then primed it and painted it.

Here’s the finished surface.  Other than a couple of minor boogers, it looks good.

I spent the rest of the night trying to tweak the canopy frame to follow the curve of the fuselage.  The left side was overhanging the side by about 1/16″.  I used my stretcher to stretch the canopy channel and unfortunately, way overshot it.  I tried using the shrinker to pull it back, but ended up breaking the shrinking dies in the process.  I finally had to use my vise and a contraption of parts to bend the frame back into alignment.  It was a major pain in the ass, but it looks pretty good now.

Finally, I pulled the canopy bow off the plane and drilled the splice plate.

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