Worked on Canopy, Rear Window, and Final Tail Skin

Using a belt sander followed by some hand sanding, I trimmed the aft edge of the canopy to the line I marked earlier.  There will be some slight additional sanding to open up the gap between the forward and aft windows once everything is locked in position.

Andre stopped by and we knocked out the deburring and dimpling of the final tail skin.  I was hoping we’d get this riveted on today, but we ran out of time.

Later in the evening, I came out and roughly positioned the rear window.

I marked the edge of the window and wrote “Do Not Cut” all along the line to ensure I wouldn’t accidentally cut along this line.  The window has to overlap the skin about 5/8″ to provide room for the screws that attach the window to the skin.

As the plans specify, I initially trimmed the window to 1 1/4″ beyond the window edge.  This allows the window to slip under the skin.

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